Should You Rehire Workers? Suppose you let several employees go when your company was struggling. Now that the business has picked up, you might rehire those workers. After all, you […]
Analysis: Obama tries to stave off recession with a $447B jobs plan
AS JOB growth has ground to a halt and stock markets have swooned, the outlook for both the American economy and Barack Obama’s presidency has dimmed. The jobs package he […]
Small Business Is Focus of Tax Cuts
President Barack Obama’s new jobs plan seeks to coax wary employers to invest and hire more by slicing their share of payroll taxes next year. But while the payroll-tax cuts […]
JOBLESS RATE DECREASES TO 9.0% Economists surveyed by Bloomberg News had expected unemployment to stay at 9.1% in October, so this was a nice development. Still, this latest jobs report […]
Year-End Tax Strategies for Individuals
It’s not too late to make these tax-saving moves. Before acting on our recommendations, be sure to gauge your 2012 income expectations. Moves you make this year may affect next […]